The English Department was established officially at the Institute of Foreign Languages in May 1984. But its actual origin goes back to 1967 when it was founded on an ad hoc basis with the primary aim of providing English language instruction to state scholars nominated to pursue English-medium courses abroad in vital to the development of Myanmar. In due course the Department began to offer courses for personnel from various governments for whom a functional knowledge of English was considered essential in the performance of their official duties.
In 1983, there was the introduction of a one- year Diploma in English course for secondary school teachers, under the aegis of the Ministry of Education. It was run with British assistance, provided teachers with an intensive full time programme in English, aimed at enhancing proficiency levels and a basic training in the principles and practice of English Language Teaching (ELT) until 1995. Since then, the English Department has functioned to continuously expand its programmes to respond to emerging needs of the country.
Our mission is grounded in a steadfast commitment to academic excellence, holistic language learning, and professional communicatiion emphasis. We strive to be a beacon of innovative teaching and learning, instilling a global perspective and cultural sensitivity in our community.
Our vision is an academic haven where language mastery and cultural understanding converge, empowering individuals to navigate a complex global landscape with confidence.
Heads of the English Department
No. | Name | Designation | Duration |
1 | Mr. Dayaram | Professor | 4-5-84 … 10-7-01 |
2 | Daw Khin Su Su Thwe | Professor | 1-8-01 …14-9-09 |
3 | Daw Khin Than Htay | Associate Professor | 15-9-05.. 16-7-07 |
4 | Dr. Thida Htun | Professor | 16-7-07 … 26-6-16 |
5 | Dr. Ni Ni Aung | Professor | 26-8-16…. up to now |
(The Department offers the bachelor’s degree in English, the post-graduate English diploma and the master’s degree in EFL. It also provides the students of non-English specialization students with General English Language Proficiency Courses.
BA degree programme
Since 2000-2001 academic year, B.A (English) three-year programme had been launched. It has been extended to four year programme since 2011-2012 academic year with the introduction of the new system in undergraduate courses.
MA(Qualifying) programme
MA(Qualifying) programme started in 2016-2017 AY for those who are qualified for attending the MA courses.
One year full time English Diploma programme
One year Diploma Course was introduced with the aim of promoting the English language proficiency of the secondary school teachers since 1983-1984 AY. The course not only focuses on the development of four language skills of the students but also provides the knowledge of Business English, Language Teaching Methodology and General Linguistics.
Master degree programme
M.A (EFL) course has been introduced since 1998-1999 academic year. Apart from Advanced level four language skills development, the students are also provided with the knowledge of teaching language and literature and the subjects related to applied linguistics.
Foundation courses
The English Department has offered English Foundation courses to the first year Non-English specialization students since the BA Language programmes were started. It has been extended to second year Non-English specialization students since 2012-2013 in order to meet the language needs of the students.
Customized English programmes for scholars and government officials
The Department provides various kinds of English language training to government officials for developing their language proficiency required in their work place. It also offers the special courses tailored to the specific needs of individual organizations.
They are:
Proficiency courses for Officers of Armed Forces (since 1996)
Proficiency courses for Officers from Ministry of Home Affairs (since 2000)
Proficiency courses for State Scholars from various Ministries (since 1967)
Proficiency courses (Advanced) for Officers of Armed Forces (2013)
Proficiency courses for Officers from National Defence College (1996-2006)
Proficiency courses for USDA members (2000-2010)
Preparation courses for Youths of Ship for South East Asian Youth Programme (SSEAYP)2011)
Pre-departure training course (JDS) scholars (since 2002)
TOEFL preparation course for (JICE) scholars (since 2007)
Proficiency courses for Navy officers (2005-2011)
Proficiency courses for Officers from Ministry of Industry (1) & (2) (2008-2009)
Proficiency courses for Jailors (short course) (2011-2012)
Proficiency courses for Staff from Myawady Television (2010)
Proficiency courses for Staff from Ministry of News and Information (2010)
Proficiency courses for officers of Air-Forces (2009, 2012)
Interpreter course for Officers of Armed Forces (2009)
Proficiency courses for Engineers (2011)
Proficiency courses for Newly Appointed Officers from Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2012-2016)
Proficiency course for Ambassadors (2004)
Proficiency course for Military Attaches (2004)
Proficiency courses for Staff from MEC (2004 – 2006)
Proficiency courses for Dawoo Sky Global Young Business Managers (2013 – up to now)
English language proficiency programme under HRD programme
Under the Human Resource Development programme, three-month English language courses have been offered to those who have matriculated. Since its establishment in October 1997, over 30,000 students have completed the course.
Future Programmes
It is usual for the Department to give priority to teaching with the aim of producing quality graduates who are well equipped with knowledge and skills and to take a leading role in making a contribution to the university. It will continue to be the leading department expanding its programs to respond to the rising demands of the community. It is also hoped to be more committed in research for the development of the academic subjects.)
Work profile
Mandalay University (English Department)Tutor3.7.581.1.67
University of Education (English Department)AL2.1.672.9.70
Myitkyina College (English Department)AL3.9.705.9.72
Magway College (English Department)AL6.9.7222.5.77
Institute of Foreign Languages (English Department)AL23.5.7719.8.80
Pathein College (English Department)L20.8.8031.10.82
Yangon University (English Department)L1.11.823.5.84
Institute of Foreign Languages (English Department)L & Head4.5.8419.6.85
Institute of Foreign Languages (English Department)AP & Head20.6.856.7.97
University of Foreign Languages (English Department)P & Head7.7.9710.7.01
The English Department has staff of 25 people, including 1 professor, 1 associate professor, 10 lecturers, 8 assistant lecturers and 5 tutors. All of its staff members hold tertiary qualifications, including 3 PhD and 22 Master’s degrees.
At present there are altogether nearly 1,000 students enrolled at the different levels of academic programmes, including 16 students in Second year MA, 12 students in First year MA Semester I, 10 students in First year MA Semester II, 12 students in MA Qualifying, 85 students in Diploma, 42 students in Fourth year, 76 students in Third year, 57 students in Second year, 158 students in First year, 85 students in Customized programmes and 500 students in HRD evening classes.

Daw Than Than Win

Daw Naw Phoo Pwint Thi

Daw Aye Sandar Tun

Daw Mya Ei Ei

Daw Myat Thida Theint
The research programmes comprise Departmental research (yearly) by faculty members, Research Seminar/ Paper readings (weekly) by faculty members, Post-graduate research works by MA Thesis students and Under-graduate research projects by Third year English Specialization students. The research studies conducted cover a wide spectrum, which includes such areas as developing teaching language skills, translation studies, cultural and literary studies, and Applied Linguistics field.
Dr. Ni Ni Aung, Professor (Head)
- A case study of correlation between the two modules. Communicative Skills and Translation of the Third Year English Specialization students from Dagon
University Field of Research – Language Teaching - Conversational Implicature
Field of Research – Pragmatics - Developing vocabulary knowledge in the Upper Elementary level English language Proficiency Classrooms
Field of Research – Vocabulary Development - On the representation of Bloom’s Taxonomy in Grade 11 English Text Book
Field of Research – Language Teaching - The impact of personality traits on students’ language skills achievement
Field of Research – Psycholinguistics
Daw Than Than Win, Associated Professor
- Developing Speaking Skills at the Intermediate Level
Field of Research – Language Teaching - Teaching Prepositions to First Year English Specialization Students through Context-based Approach
Field of Research – Language Teaching - An Analysis of Errors in Writing by Students in HRD Classes at YUFL
Field of Research – Error Analysis
Daw Aye Aye Soe, Lecturer
- An Analysis of the Use of Suspense in the Plot Development of Agatha Christie’s Tape-measure Murder
Field of Research – Language and Literature
Daw Ohnmar Maw, Lecturer
- A Study of 7 Audio Scripts in Business Result (Intermediate)with an Action Game of Listening Practice
Field of Research – Teaching Language
U Myo Lwin, Lecturer
- A Study of the Use of Irony Highlighted by Fictional Elements in the Short Story “The Gift of the Magi” by O. Henry
Field of Research – Language and Literature
Dr. Su Khine Oo, Lecturer
- A Study of the Use of Implicatures in the Dialogue between Oedipus and Teiresias in the Play “Oedipus Rex” by the Sophocles
Field of Research – Pragmatics in Literature - A Comparative Study of Performance Analysis of Listening Skills of Second Year B.Sc Physics Students Using Teaching Listening Models
Field of Research – ELT - The Use of Parallelism to Shape the Characters in “A Tale of Two Cities” by Charles Dickens
Field of Research – Stylistics in Literature - A Comparative Study of the Effectiveness of Teaching Listening Models
Field of Research – ELT - The Structure of Greek Tragedy Found in “Oedipus Rex” by Sophocles
Field of Research – Literature - Developing English Used in the Media through Assessment for Learning and Assessment of Learning
Field of Research – Assessment - A Study of Linguistics as Immediate Applicable Linguistics
Field of Research – Applied Linguistics - A Comparative Study of Assessment Rubrics for Persuasive Writing
Field of Research – Assessment - A Corpus-Based Approach to Dickens’ Style of Employing Symbolism in A Tale of Two Cities
Field of Research – Corpus Linguistics - A Critical Study of Gender Representation in Life (Intermediate) Coursebook
Field of Research – Gender Representation - Lavender Language in Smile as they Bow Translated by Alfred Birnbaum and Thi Thi Aye.
Field of Research – Lavender Linguistics
Daw Kyi Thar Win & Daw Nan Win Yu Maung, Lecturer
- Pedagogic Strategies for Explaining Anaphora and its Antecedent
Field of Research – Teaching Language
U Aung Myo Hein, Lecturer
- Language Learning Strategies Preferences of Chinese Learners’ of Myanmar
Field of Research – Language - Learner Autonomy: English Language Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices in the Context of Myanmar
Field of Research – Language - A Gender-based Investigation into the Myanmar Students’ Awareness Level of Grammar Learning Strategies and Its Relationship with Learners’ Achievement in Grammar Learning
Field of Research – Language - The Positive Effects of Integrating ICT in Foreign Language Teaching for the Large Class Sizes in the Context of Myanmar
Field of Research – Language Teaching - Supporting ELT with Technology in a Global Context
Field of Research – Language Teaching - An Investigation into Own Language Use in ELT in the Context of Myanmar
Field of Research – Language Teaching - Attitude of English Language Teachers towards Learner Autonomy
Field of Research – Language - Teaching Professionals’ Perspectives on Poster as a Presentation Mode in Conferences
Field of Research – Language - Challenges of Teachers from Hakha College and Ways of Coping with them
Field of Research – Education - Exploring Challenges Encountered by EFL Learners in Research Writing and Ways to Overcome Them: A Case Study at YUFL and MUFL
Field of Research – Language - Foreign Language Learning Myanmar Students’ Awareness Level of Vocabulary Learning Strategies and its Contribution to their Vocabulary Size
Field of Research – Language
Daw Naw Phoo Pwint Thi, Assistant Lecturer
Field of Research – Translation
Daw Naw Phoo Pwint Thi, Assistant Lecturer
- Effectiveness of Using Games in Teaching Grammar to First Year English Specialization Students at YUFL
Field of Research – Language Teaching
Dr. Lwin Lwin Hla Pe, Assistant Lecturer
- An Analysis of Errors Related to Cohesion in Argumentative Texts written by Third Year English Specialization Students at Yangon University of Foreign Languages
Field of Research – Discourse Analysis - Vocabulary learning strategies of MA students at YUFL and their effect on reading comprehension
Field of Research – Psycholinguistics
The English Department has played a key role in the organization of the events like Simulation Activity, presentation of papers and participation in workshops.
Language Teaching Methodology (2006)
Language Testing (2006)
Simulation (March-2010)
Lesson Planning (July-2010)
Literature Workshop (January 2013)
The English Department provides the services necessary to meet the increasing demands of the Governmental Organizations and service personnel contributing towards the development of the country. The services it provides include:
- Translation
- Interpretation
- Consultancy Related to Language Programmes
- English Language Proficiency Test for State Scholars
- English Language Proficiency Test for Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers
- English Language Proficiency Test for Tour Guide License
First Name | Last Name | Job Title |
1 | Mr. Jim Chandley | 12-10-68 |
2 | Mr. John George Goble | 02-10-68 |
3 | Mr. J. D. Corbluth | 28-09-70 |
4 | Mr. A. A. Young | 06-10-71 |
5 | Mr. Phillip A. Ingle | 23-08-73 |
6 | Mr. A. A. Young | 28-09-77 |
7 | Mr. K. A. Nichol | 12-09-80 |
8 | Mr. J. I. M. Davy | 18-01-84 |
9 | Miss. H. D. Mentelle | 21-02-85 |
10 | Mr. Brian William Tanner | 19-11-87 |
11 | Mr. William Fraser Atkinson Jewett | 19-11-87 |