Rector Profile

Dr. Kyi Shwin was born in Mogokke, Mandalay Region, Myanmar in 1963 and graduated from Mandalay University in 1985, specializing in English. He became a tutor in English Department, Mandalay University in 1986. He served at English Department of Defence Service Academy, Dagon University and Yangon University where he got Ph.D in 2007. He became a professor of English, Mandalay University of Distance Education in 2007. He was promoted to Principal of Mohnyin Degree College in 2010 and Rector of Bamaw University in 2015. Then, he was assigned as Secretary- General of Myanmar National Commission for UNESCO in 2016. At present, he is serving as the Rector of Yangon University of Foreign Languages.
As an educator, he participated as a speaker in several international conferences during 2014 to 2016. He also worked as a Task-Force member to develop ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework and he is also participating as a national representative to AQRF Committee to link ASEAN countries’ education to the Regional Framework. He is also serving as a member and resource person for National Accreditation and Quality Assurance Committee of Myanmar and a focal person for Human Rights in higher education of Myanmar. He has worked as a country specialist to develop Quality Assurance Framework of TVET in Asia-Pacific Region conducted by UNESCO. He is also organizing local officials and expert groups to set up Myanmar National Committee for Memory of the World Project. He is also serving as a member of Central Executive Committee of Rectors’ Committee of Myanmar and the National Focal Person for Right to Education of ASEAN Intergovernmental Human Right Commission.
Dr. Kyi Shwin
Yangon University of Foreign Languages
Pro-rector (Dean- Faculty of Languages)

Dr. Myint Myint Maw matriculated from No.2 Basic Education High School, Sanchaung, Yangon in 1980. She got her first degree (B.Com) and B.Com(Hons:) in 1984 and in 1985 respectively. She got first Master degree (M.Com) in 1993. The first appointment of her teaching at Yangon University of Economics in 1986. She has spent more than 35 years, working for the Ministry of Education.
She studied Korean Language in the first batch at YUFL after getting the M.Com. And then she was transferred to Yangon University of Foreign Languages in 1995.
She got second Master degree (MA), majoring in Korean Linguistics from Seoul National University, Korea in 2006 and also got Ph.D (Korean Linguistics) from Seoul National University, Korea in 2017.
Since 1995, she taught Korean Language at Yangon University of Foreign Languages. She was promoted from lecturer to associate professor and then to professor in 2005 and in 2017 respectively. In 2021, she was promoted as the Pro-rector (Dean of the faculty of languages) at YUFL. She teaches Korean Linguistics to MA students at YUFL. Her specialized area is lexicography and she published Korean-Myanmar Dictionary(2002), The Korean-Myanmar Dictionary and Classified words (2008), Korean Grammar(2010), Myanmar- Korean Dictionary(2011) and Korean Grammar and Exercises in 2013.
She also Introduced MA(Korean) Program and Ph.D Program in Korean Department at YUFL in 2009-2010 and 2018-2019 Academic year respectively.
She worked as an outside reviewer of a peer-reviewed journal, named Hangeul Hakhye from 2017 to 2021.
She is a Chair of the Senate Committee for Research Project Management and Research Ethics for promoting the quality of research standards and international publications of researchers from YUFL.
Dr. Myint Myint Maw
Pro-rector (Dean- Faculty of Languages)
Yangon University of Foreign Languages
Pro-rector (Academic)

Dr. Ni Ni Aung matriculated from Practising School, Institute of Education, Yangon in 1980. She got her first degree (BA English) in 1984 and in 1985 she started her teaching career as a Basic Education Teacher. After getting Diploma in ELT, she changed her career path from basic education to higher education department. She has spent more than 35 years, working for the Ministry of Education. Throughout her teaching life, she taught English language and she used to work at Dagon University, Hinthada University, Sittwe University and Myeik University.
Since 2012, she has been working at Yangon University of Foreign Languages. She got her PhD in 2013 and was promoted from lecturer to associate professor and then to professor in 2015 and in 2016 respectively. In 2021, she was promoted as the Pro-rector (Academic) at YUFL. She teaches Psycholinguistics to MA students at YUFL and Pragmatics to PhD preliminary students at Yangon University. Her specialized areas of teaching include ELT and applied linguistics.
She is also a member of Legal Translation Commission, Union Attorney General Office.
She is responsible for Institutional Accreditation and Quality Assurance Committee at YUFL and supporting the committee to receive external assessment by local and international accreditation bodies in two years.
Dr. Ni Ni Aung
Pro Rector (Academic)
Yangon University of Foreign Languages
Academic Board
Chairman | Rector : Dr. Kyi Shwin |
Vice-Chairman |
Pro-rector : Dr. Myint Myint Maw Pro-rector : Dr. Ni Ni Aung |
Members of Officials |
Head of Dept. of Admin & Finance : Daw San San Nyunt Ohn Head of Dept. of Academic Affairs : U Hla Moe Aung Head of Dept. of Audiovisual : U Chit Ko Ko Professor, Dept. of International Relations : Dr. Tin Myo Thwe Professor, Dept. of Myanmar : Dr. Wai Wai Myint Professor, Dept. of Chinese : Dr. Khin May Cho Professor, Dept. of Linguistics : Dr. Yin Myo Tint Professor, Dept. of Korean : Dr. Thandar Linn Professor, Dept. of Philosophy : Dr. Wah Wah Nwe Oo Professor, Dept. of Oriental Studies : Dr. Myat Myat Htun Professor, Dept. of English : Dr. Phyu Phyu Thinn Professor, Dept. of Thai : Dr. Su Su Khin Professor, Dept. of Geography : Dr. Tun Tun Khaing Professor, Dept. of History : Dr. Hnin Aye Khine Swe Associate Professor, Dept. of German : Daw Thang Khan Dim Associate Professor, Dept. of Japanese : Daw San San Nu Associate Professor, Dept. of French : Daw Yadanar Myint Associate Professor , Dept. of Russian : Daw Phyu Phyu Win Deputy head of Dept. of Student Affairs Section : Dr. Kyaw Lwin Oo Registrar, Dept. of Student Affairs Section : Daw Myat Myat Soe |
Secretary | Registrar : Daw Sandar Htut |
Administrative Board
Chairman | Rector : Dr. Kyi Shwin |
Members of Officials |
Pro-rector (Dean- Faculty of Languages), Dr. Myint Myint Maw Pro-Rector (Academic), Dr. Ni Ni Aung |
Nominated Members |
Head of Dept. of Academic Affairs: U Hla Moe Aung Head of Dept. of Audio & Visual: U Chit Ko Ko Professor, Dept. of Myanmar: Dr. Wai Wai Myint Professor, Dept. of Chinese: Dr. Khin May Cho Professor, Dept. of Linguistics: Dr. Yin Myo Tint Professor, Dept. of Thai: Dr. Su Su Khin Deputy head of Dept. (Admin): Daw Khin Khin Win |
Secretary | Daw San San Nyunt Ohn, Head of Admin & Finance |
Organizations Chart
Pro Rector
(Administration and Finance) -
Pro Rector (Academic)
- Head of Academic Affairs
- Head of Multimedia
- Head of Departments
- Department of Chinese
- Department of English
- Department of French
- Department of German
- Departmebt of Italian
- Department of Japan
- Department of Korean
- Department of Russian
- Department of Thai
- Departmet of Myanmar
- Departmet of History
- Department of International Relations
- Department of Liguistics
- Department of Oriental Studies
- Department of Philosopy
Pro Rector